


Vision and Mission
Our vision

Effectively and sustainably evaluating its rich historical and cultural heritage, natural capital and geo-strategic position with a rational, innovative and participatory approach; to become a region that has succeeded in being a center of reproduction, trade and civilization, which develops in stability and where everyone wants to live with confidence and hope ”.

Our Mission

"To take a pro-active role as a reference institution in the transformation into a" developed and prosperous region "by directing its financial resources to effective and appropriate fields with its technical and expertise capacity and coordinating the development activities of all stakeholder actors.

Core Value and Policy

Human Focus
Participation and governance
Encouraging creative and innovative ideas
Developing a competitive climate
Working with expert and qualified human resources
Employee satisfaction
Managing and sharing scientific knowledge and knowledge

Duties and Powers

The following duties and authorities are defined in Article 5 of the Law on the Establishment, Coordination and Duties of Development Agencies:

Providing technical support for planning studies of local governments.

Supporting activities and projects that ensure the implementation of regional plans and programs; To monitor and evaluate the implementation process of the activities and projects supported in this context and to report the results to the Undersecretariat of State Planning Organization.
To contribute to the development of the rural and local development capacity of the region in accordance with the regional plans and programs and to support the projects within this scope.
To monitor other projects carried out by the public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations in the region and deemed important in terms of regional plans and programs.
In order to realize the regional development goals; To develop cooperation between the public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations.
Using or making available the resources allocated to the Agency in accordance with the regional plans and programs.
To carry out researches to determine the resources and possibilities of the region, to accelerate economic and social development and to increase competitiveness, to support researches made by other persons, institutions and organizations.
To promote or have the business and investment opportunities of the region promoted at national and international level in cooperation with the relevant institutions.
To monitor and coordinate the permission and license transactions and other administrative works and transactions within the scope of duty and authority of investors, public institutions and organizations in the regional provinces within the period specified in the relevant legislation.
To support small and medium-sized enterprises and new entrepreneurs by cooperating with relevant organizations on issues such as management, production, promotion, marketing, technology, finance, organization and workforce training.
Turkey participates in the region to promote the bilateral or multilateral international activities related to the program and to contribute to the development projects under these programs.
To create a website where the activities, financial structure and other issues related to the agency will be published.
Law No. 5449 "Law on Establishment, Coordination and Duties of Development Agencies"

Organizational Structure
Board of Directors

He was born in 1971 in Ankara. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Ankara, he graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Public Administration in 1992.

In 1994, he became involved in the profession of Civil Administration as Aksaray District Governor Candidate. Following various internship stages, he studied foreign language and English Public Administration for 8 months in England. In 1997, he completed the 84th term District Governorship Course and was appointed to the district of Kâzımkarabekir in Karaman. After that, he worked in Ardahan province Çıldır district for 2 years. In 2001, he was appointed as the district governor of Trabzon province Arsin district.

In 2004, he was sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the University of Exeter in England to pursue a master's degree in "Public Administration and Public Policy". His master thesis on the British Education System named “Local Education Authorities Under New Labor” was accepted by the University Senate with a “merit” (outstanding achievement) degree. He returned home in October 2005.

Between 2006-2009, he worked as the District Governor of Adıyaman Province, Sungurlu District Governor between 2009-2013, and Dilovası District Governor of Kocaeli between 2013-2016.

In 2016, he participated in the program "Managing Diversity in a Globalizing World: The Way Forward", on behalf of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, organized by the Institute of International Public Policy and Management (INPUMA) at Malaya University, Malaysia.

On December 1, 2016, he was appointed as the Governor of Istanbul, Esenler. After serving here for 2 years, our Governor Hulusi Şahin, who was appointed as the Governor of Batman with the President's Appointment Decision dated October 26, 2018 and numbered 2018/202, is married and has 3 children and speaks English.

General Secretary

The General Secretariat is the executive body of the Agency. Within the General Secretariat, there are experts and support personnel working under the General Secretary and the General Secretary, who are responsible to the Board of Directors.

Duties and Powers of the Secretary General

To implement the decisions of the board of directors,
To prepare the annual work program and budget and submit it to the board of directors,
To collect agency revenues, to make expenditures in accordance with the procedures and principles determined in accordance with Article 4 of the Law No.5449 on the Establishment, Coordination and Duties of Development Agencies, as well as other legislation and budget and board of directors decisions,
Deciding on the purchase, sale, rental and service purchase of movable goods other than vehicles within the limits determined by the board of directors,
To carry out activities that improve the project production and implementation capacity of the individuals, institutions and organizations in the region,
Evaluating the project and activity proposals of private sector, non-governmental organizations and local administrations and submitting proposals to the board of directors to provide financial support,
To monitor, evaluate, audit and report supported projects and activities,
Cooperating with domestic and foreign agencies and organizations related to regional development and developing joint projects,
Providing technical support for planning studies of local governments,
Determining the performance criteria of the personnel and evaluating their performance,
Proposing the recruitment and termination of personnel to the board of directors,
Participating in national and international meetings on regional development and making contacts abroad, representing the agency's general secretariat,
To carry out the secretariat and other services of the agency,
Using the powers transferred by the board of directors,
Attending board of directors meetings,
To submit proposals to the board of directors regarding the support of programs, projects and activities and the assistance to be made to individuals and organizations,
To present the budget results to the board of directors within March after the end of the budget period,
To audit the agency's activities, accounts, operations and performance and to submit an internal audit report to the development board and the board.

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2024 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu (Altı Aylık)
2023 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2022 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2021 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2020 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2019 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2018 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2017 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2016 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2015 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2014 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2013 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2012 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2011 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2010 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
2009 Yılı Bütçe Sonuç Raporu
Study Program

Annual Work Programs are the basic documents that reveal the Agency's priority areas for the budget year, measures, studies on institutionalization, projects and activities, and the estimated financial resources to be allocated for them, as a result-oriented and as a whole, calendaring and budgeting.

2023 Yılı Çalışma Programı
2022 Yılı Çalışma Programı
2021 Yılı Çalışma Programı
2020 Yılı Çalışma Programı
2019 Yılı Çalışma Programı
2018 Yılı Çalışma Programı
Annual Reports
2023 Faaliyet Raporu
2022 Faaliyet Raporu
2021 Faaliyet Raporu
2020 Faaliyet Raporu
2019 Faaliyet Raporu
2018 Faaliyet Raporu
2017 Faaliyet Raporu
2016 Faaliyet Raporu
2015 Faaliyet Raporu
2014 Faaliyet Raporu
2013 Faaliyet Raporu
2012 Faaliyet Raporu
2011 Faaliyet Raporu
2010 Faaliyet Raporu
2009 Faaliyet Raporu

It is necessary to apply to the Ministry of Economy in order to issue an incentive certificate. However, for investments within the scope of general incentive applications, whose fixed investment amount does not exceed 10 million TL and within the scope of general incentive applications specified in the Communiqué on the Implementation of the Decision on State Aids in Investments (Incentive Communiqué), the local units where the investment will be made, depending on the preference of the applicant. can also be applied.


It is necessary to apply to the Ministry of Economy in order to issue an incentive certificate. However, for investments within the scope of general incentive applications, whose fixed investment amount does not exceed 10 million TL and within the scope of general incentive applications specified in the Communiqué on the Implementation of the Decision on State Aids in Investments (Incentive Communiqué), the local units where the investment will be made, depending on the preference of the applicant. can also be applied.

Investments with fixed investment amount between five hundred thousand Turkish Liras and fifty million Turkish Liras and excluding the exceptions and restrictions specified in the Council of Ministers Decree will be made within the scope of regional incentive applications, so applications for such investments will be made directly to the Ministry of Economy, Mardin. Applications for investments within the scope of the general incentive applications, whose fixed investment amount does not exceed ten million Turkish Liras, will be made to the Mardin Investment Support Office of Dicle Development Agency.

Applications for the transactions within the validity period of the incentive certificates will be made to the relevant institution evaluating the incentive certificate application. Applications will be evaluated within the framework of the principles specified in the Incentive Communiqué and will be finalized by the relevant authority.

However, applications regarding the cancellation of the incentive certificate other than the cancellations made based on the transfer, sale, issuance, lease and the investor request and the requests regarding the change in the subject of investment and the transfer of the investment will be concluded by taking the opinion of the Ministry of Economy General Directorate of Incentive Application and Foreign Capital.

Kalkınma Ajanslarının Hizmetlerine İlişkin Kanun
Council of Ministers Decisions
Bazı Düzey 2 Bölgelerinde Kalkınma Ajansları Kurulması Hakkında Karar (2008/14306)
Bazı Düzey 2 Bölgelerinde Kalkınma Ajansları Kurulması Hakkında Karar (2009/15236)
Bazı Düzey 2 Bölgelerinde Kalkınma Ajansları Kurulmasına Dair Bakanlar Kurulu Kararlarında Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Karar (2009/15433)
Bazı Düzey 2 Bölgelerinde Kalkınma Ajansları Kurulmasına Dair Karar (2006/10550)
Belediyelerin Bütçe Gelirleri Üzerinden Kalkınma Ajanslarına Aktaracakları Payların Yeniden Belirlenmesine İlişkin Karar (2011/2168)
Kalkınma Ajansları Kalkınma Kurullarına Temsilci Gönderecek Kurum ve Kuruluşların Belirlenmesi Hakkında Karar (2017/10800)
Kalkınma Ajansları Kalkınma Kurullarına Temsilci Gönderecek Kurum ve Kuruluşların Belirlenmesi ve Bazı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararlarında Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Karar (2013/4748)
Kalkınma Ajansları Personel Yönetmeliği
Kalkınma Ajansları Proje ve Faaliyet Destekleme Yönetmeliği
Kalkınma Ajansları Bütçe ve Muhasebe Yönetmeliği
Kalkınma Ajansları Denetim Yönetmeliği
Kalkınma Ajansları Yatırım Destek Ofisleri Yönetmeliği