
TRC3 Regional Plans

TRC3 2014 - 2023 Regional Plan

T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization Innovations in information and communication technologies, which have an important effect on the development of globalization, influence all areas of economic and social life and all segments of society in various aspects; It deeply affects public administration approaches, the ways of doing business in the business world and the lives of individuals, in other words, it causes a social transformation.

The new products and services that emerged with the productivity gains due to the developments in information and communication technologies have started to change the nature of the international competition, which was previously explained by the amount of production factors. In line with these developments, launched in 2003, "e-Transformation Turkey Project" and "Transformation Policy on Turkey's Information Society" adopted and prepared the policy document, the vision of transformation into an information society in Turkey; Medium and long-term strategies and targets are determined as "Being a focal point in the production of science and technology, using information and technology as an effective tool, producing more value with information-based decision-making processes, successful in global competition and with a high level of prosperity." The Information Society Strategy preparation process, which will cover the period 2006-2010, has been initiated.

In the Information Society Strategy; citizens, who constitute basic elements of the society, the public sector and businesses with information and communication technology sector in the current situation and Turkey's assessed potential for transformation into an information society by 2010, targets for 2010 within the framework defined strategic priorities and steps have been identified to be taken to achieve these goals.

Trc3 2014 2023 Bölge Planı Cilt II. Bölgesel Gelişme Startejisi
TRC3 2014-2023 Bölge Planı Cilt I. Bölgeyi Anlamak
TRC3 2011 - 2013 Regional Plan

T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization Innovations in information and communication technologies, which have an important effect on the development of globalization, influence all areas of economic and social life and all segments of society in various aspects; It deeply affects public administration approaches, the ways of doing business in the business world and the lives of individuals, in other words, it causes a social transformation.

The new products and services that emerged with the productivity gains due to the developments in information and communication technologies have started to change the nature of the international competition, which was previously explained by the amount of production factors. In line with these developments, launched in 2003, "e-Transformation Turkey Project" and "Transformation Policy on Turkey's Information Society" adopted and prepared the policy document, the vision of transformation into an information society in Turkey; Medium and long-term strategies and targets are determined as "Being a focal point in the production of science and technology, using information and technology as an effective tool, producing more value with information-based decision-making processes, successful in global competition and with a high level of prosperity." The Information Society Strategy preparation process, which will cover the period 2006-2010, has been initiated.

In the Information Society Strategy; citizens, who constitute basic elements of the society, the public sector and businesses with information and communication technology sector in the current situation and Turkey's assessed potential for transformation into an information society by 2010, targets for 2010 within the framework defined strategic priorities and steps have been identified to be taken to achieve these goals.

Trc3 Bölge Planı 2011 - 2013
Trc3 Mevcut Durum Analizi